07 Photoshop actions

07 Action dành cho photoshop, giúp công việc chỉnh sửa ảnh trở nên dễ dành, nhanh chóng hơn.

Photoshop actions for easy photo editing

Polaroid Generator - A pack of 9 actions that enable you to recreate fake Polaroid pictures.

Hand-Colored Vintage - Turn your photos into dusty old images, with scratches and all.

Pseudo HDR - Mimic a High Dynamic Range effect without having to take a dozen shots.

HDR Photoshop Action

Soften skin - Clean the skin in your portraits while keeping original textures and a natural look.

Before Skin Soften effect action
After Skin Soften effect action

Color Actions
- Apply diverse color filters to spice up your photos.

Tack-it! - Pin your photo to a virtual bulletin board, with lots of customization options.

TackIt! Mini Photoshop Action

Comics - Make your images look like a comic strip.

Theo OnSoftware

07 Photoshop actions 07 Photoshop actions Reviewed by Trung Kiên on 02:38:00 Rating: 5

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